Thursday, August 1, 2013

Onwards ho

So the renos continue. Whilst I was one day minding my own business in the lounge, Dave decided to rip down some walls and ceilings in our spare room as well as rip up the gorgeous blue lino. Here are the end results: oh by the way I spent a whole saturday afternoon pulling nails out of that amazing jarrah floor! cant wait for the end result!

Cant say Ill miss this Lino

Almost all gone

Looks pretty good already!

Dave destroyed vital outdoor walls!

Disgusting mess

All done

Oh my perfect roast
Only can she boast
of a such fine cooking
by a cook so good looking
alas twas not enjoyed
spoiled by two little boys
eager to fix a room;
gone was my groom
and by their wishes
i was stuck with the dishes

ok thats up went the walls and hurrah less draft in my drafty little house!

My perfect roast

Insulation how I love you


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Renos by our mate...

Our plan is to renovate our little castle fully into our little cottage by the sea. This is what it looks like now:

And there are a few more photos from when I bought it at my old blog: under the post title Virtual Tour of the Cottage.

As mentioned before, our sneaky friends I.E Tim and Maddi made us miss out on the fun of renovating our main bedroom. From their stories I think they enjoyed themselves. Here are some photos from Maddi about how it all happened.

knocked out the wall to put in our wardrobe!

hired some lovely  help!

room for my clothes!!

Jemimah helping

main portal

hello ceiling

cleaning all the dust from the ceiling...

all flushed and pretty
using the apprentice jimmy
kayley painting away
carpet gasp!

the final product

i love it

A massive thank you to everyone!!! We felt so spoilt. The best homecoming anyone could ask for

Sneaky Renos

When me and Dave got back from our honeymoon, we were surprised by our sneaky little friends and family with a fully renovated bedroom! Unbeknown to me, Maddi had pumped me of all the information that I wanted to do to our main room and hey presto it became real. Imagine driving 14 hours, rocking up at midnight and coming to this!!

Our New Bedroom!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Honeymoon continues

Ok so we took a lot of photos.....:)



This hike required swimming and climbing haha Dave checking the depth for me...

handrail pool again

the slide..

Mt Bruce, second highest Peak in WA.....and Dave

really love this photo...

me and the most tamest gorge hike we did

was really beautiful after the rain


gorgeous pool at the last gorge...circular pool

so clear and blue

Dave did a bombie

view from the top

5am hike up Mt Bruce...I wasnt excited

almost to the top before I carked it

It was cold

amazing after rain

my car!